We urgently need your help right now!
A major campaign has been launched against extending the trail through Sunnyvale, Los Altos, and Cupertino by Citizens for Responsible Trails. Don't let them fool you. They think bike lanes on busy streets such as Mary Ave are good enough. They are against spending millions on trails for local bicycles and pedestrians even though we spend BILLIONS on roads for cars. Many are afraid of change and of bicyclists and pedestrians. Fear, uncertainty, and doubt blind them to the many benefits that safe and attractive local trails bring to our community, including increased property values, reduced traffic, less pollution, safer routes to schools, and better access to parks. Trails most benefit the nearest neighbors and they should be fighting to have a trail close to them instead of pushing young and old alike onto busy streets.
Unfortunately, trail opponents greatly outnumbered supporters at the first public meeting held on Thursday, May 21 in Sunnyvale. Unless many more supporters show up at the next two public meetings and/or send supportive emails, completing the Stevens Creek Trail may not happen.
If you believe in a safe and beautiful Stevens Creek Trail from the Bay Trail to the Ridge Trail, please send an email in favor and consider speaking at one of the 2 remaining meetings. With your help we can convince naysayers and City Councils that extending the trail is a valuable investment in our community that will pay dividends for generations.
Send emails to [email protected] and copy us at [email protected].
Attend one of the 2 remaining public input meetings, open to everyone from any city:
Monday June 1, 6:30-9:30pm at Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino
Monday June 8, 6:30-9:30pm at Senior Center, 266 Escuela Avenue, Mountain View
All meetings have the same format - public speaking is limited to 2 minutes per person. If you can, please bring family and friends. Having kids speak and/or write emails can be particularly effective.
We will have 2 speaker prep meetings to help you prepare and answer questions:
Sunday May 31, 4-6pm at 795 Allison Way, Sunnyvale
Sunday June 7, 4-6pm at 795 Allison Way, Sunnyvale
If you plan to attend any meetings or just want FOSCT to know your trail alignment preference, please RSVP at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1_Fj-J7ghTQPt2FjyQF497ejbfGnN1zTTVsttNyDosF8/viewform
(one form submission per person)
For a wealth of information about what is happening, please see:
1) The Stevens Creek Trail Feasibility Study at http://sunnyvale.ca.gov/Departments/PublicWorks/
2) The special website we've created at https://sites.google.com/site/stevenscreektrailpros/ with speaking points and frequently asked questions.
Completing the Stevens Creek Trail is clearly feasible - the study has shown that. Overcoming opposition and choosing a beautiful route is the next step. We urgently request that you make your support known for completing the Stevens Creek Trail in a safe and attractive manner. Thanks!
Best regards,
Aaron Grossman, Executive Director
Friends of Stevens Creek Trail (FOSCT)
Our mailing address is:
Friends of Stevens Creek Trail
22221 McClellan Road
Cupertino, CA 95014
Our telephone: