Energy Upgrade California
- Enjoy a healthier, more comfortable home.
- Save energy.
- Create jobs.
- Protect the environment.
- Substantial Rebates
- Easy match with approved contractors
- One-stop web-site
7-8 PM
Sunnyvale Council Chambers, City Hall
456 West Olive Avenue
Sunnyvale, California
Listen to a brief KQED radio clip about Energy Upgrade California.
- Initiating a County-Wide Sustainability Plan, Demetra McBride, Manager, Office of Sustainability, Santa Clara County
- Green Buildings for Cool Cities: The Energy Upgrade Imperative, Margie Suozzo, Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter
- The Santa Clara County Energy Upgrade Program, Sharlene Carlson, Energy Upgrade Santa Clara
This Green Buildings for Cool Cities event is hosted by the City of Sunnyvale and co-sponsored by the Cupertino and Sunnyvale Cool Cities Teams, the Sierra Club, and Acterra's Green @ Home Program, with partial funding from the Silicon Valley Community Foundation.