Wednesday, April 17
7-8:30 PM
Sunnyvale Heritage Park Museum
Hosted by Sunnyvale Cool. Made possible by a generous grant from the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Co-sponsored by the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, the Loma Prieta Chapter of the Sierra Club, the Greenbelt Alliance
What is an eco-district? How is San Francisco applying the concept?
The EcoDistrict is an emerging strategy for creating a more sustainable city, neighborhood-by-neighborhood rather than building-by-building. Portland, the Portland Sustainability Institute, and an increasing number of cities across the country are looking at the district or neighborhood as the optimal scale for accelerating the adoption of resource-efficient practices, integrating buildings, infrastructure and community action.
Kate McGee, LEED AP and Lead Planner for the San Francisco Sustainable Development Program will share what she has learned about eco-districts and discuss San Francisco's proposed Central Corridor Eco-District, now in the early stages of the planning process. Free. Pre-registration requested: