Dear Members of OPR’s Complete Streets Advisory Committee,
This email is to inform you that the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) has published its final version of its Update to the General Plan Guidelines: Compete Streets and the Circulation Element. OPR would like to thank everyone on the committee for their time and effort in developing this guidance document. All comments received by both the committee and the public were carefully considered for incorporation. We hope that you will find this update to be an informative guide and useful tool in the practice of local planning. Attached is a PDF version of the final document. In addition, the document will be posted on our website at
Thank you,
Selena Gallagher
Governor's Office of Planning and Research
1400 10th Street Sacramento, CA 95814
update_to_the_general_plan_guidelines-_complete_streets_and_the_circulation_element.pdf |