At an EIR scoping session, nobody is saying yes or no to a proposal. The purpose of the meeting is just to say what should be studied in the project’s Environmental Impact Report (EIR). If you have thoughts on what project impacts should be studied in the EIR, you should go to the meeting and share them. Do not, however, attend to say that you like or dislike the content of the General Plan. That is not the purpose of tonight’s meeting.
What will MVCSP be saying?
MVCSP hopes to get people to the meeting to talk about how the General Plan EIR ought to study one higher density alternative. One of the things an EIR has to study is the amount of green house gases a project will generate. Typically, an EIR would study an alternative to a project that is lower in density or size because that would result in a smaller environmental impact. Planning for fewer homes in Mountain View probably would result in fewer emissions produced within our city's borders. However, if homes aren't built here, they will have to be built somewhere else - probably further from Mountain View and all of the jobs we have here. This means more people will have to commute into town and create more pollution in the process. This will also result in an increase in traffic, especially during peak commuting hours. We want to an equal amount of jobs and homes, and ideally, we'd like those homes to be close to jobs, transit and other services, so that people can get by without their car is they want to.
The bottom line from MVCSP's perspective is that if we take a bigger picture view, a General Plan that allows for the creation of more home, we would actually help reduce region wide green house gas emissions overall.
Please consider:
Attending tomorrow night's meeting and speaking up in favor of an EIR that looks at a high intensity alternative with more homes around transit.
EPC meeting
Wed, Feb 16
Council Chambers