Then, six members of MVCSP’s core team independently rated each candidate’s response according to this scale:
- 0: No answer or doesn’t seem to understand the question or topic.
- 5: Some knowledge of the topic.
- 12: Aligns with MVCSP’s values.
- 20: Strongly advances MVCSP’s positions/values/interests.
Please describe two to four policy initiatives that you would support or put forth as a member of Council, to address the following areas:
- Housing availability in Mountain View, particularly for households with incomes of less than $100,000/year. Your answer may include discussion of Precise Plans, development quotas & fees, or other types of regulation and assessment that might play a role in arriving at solutions; or whether you think any of these are not appropriate.
- Improvement of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in Mountain View.
- Reduction of Mountain View’s greenhouse gas emissions. Include discussion of reducing single occupant car trips within and to/from Mountain View.
- Reduction of water use in Mountain View. Include in your discussion Council’s actions in 2014.
- Ensuring a vibrant, welcoming, economically and socially diverse community as the Bay Area’s population grows by 2 million more people by 2040. ( Include your thoughts on balancing the following challenges: population growth, an expanding job market, climate change, fiscal responsibility, and keeping the community affordable to all citizens (you can refer to your answers to some of the previous questions).
And the ratings results (out of a possible 20) for the responding candidates were:
- Siegel (17.7)
- Rosenberg (17.6)
- Unangst (15.1)
- Showalter (14.7)
- Capriles (13.2)
- Kamei (10.3)
See the PDF file below for more details.

questionnaireresults.pdf |