Have you longed for...
- A proper Stevens Creek Trail exit at Charleston Rd.?
- A trail directly to NASA?
- A cleaner exit from the trail to Crittenden Rd.?
- Or even public restrooms right near the trail in the North Bayshore area?
Google wants these things too and is taking action, but the plan needs your help to accomplish these goals.
A VP from Google is presenting at the Mountain View City Council’s Study Session and General Meeting this Tuesday, 1/22 (from 5:00 - 6:30PM, then 6:30 - 7:30pm in City Hall Council Chambers, 500 Castro St.) and requesting the Council proceed with the environmental study for the Stevens Creek Trail Crossings, which is the first step toward building these improvements.
Google has offered to pay for the study but has to ask the City for Staff resources to help run the study (as required by study processes).
How You Can Help!
- Come to the Tuesday Study Session and/or Council Meeting and show support for starting the environmental study.
- Bring other residents of MV to support starting the study process.
- Consider speaking in favor of starting the environmental study process during public comment time.
Here's a little more background info...
Google wants to make improvements to the Stevens Creek Trail to facilitate non-car commutes to the North Bayshore and Moffett Field areas (for all employers, not just Google!), improve trail access for the general public, and also to build a bridge from the North Bayshore side of the creek to the eventual Google Bayview campus on the NASA/Moffett side. The bridge will:
- Only be open to pedestrians, bikes, high-occupancy vehicles (buses/shuttles), and emergency vehicles (no car traffic)
- Reduce 101 traffic congestion once the Bayview campus opens
- Bring other improvements to the trail (the project’s proposed scope includes a graceful connection from trail to Charleston Rd. and the aforementioned restrooms and cleaned-up Crittenden exit)
The Bayview campus is already in progress, and promises to be not just "a green building" but actually environmentally restorative. You can find out more at the Council meeting this Tuesday (although this portion of the Council Meeting is slated for late in the agenda, so you best option for commenting is during the earlier study session).