"Are we doing piecemeal projects?" (Staff: "Until we have a Precise Plan for the area.")
"What is the implication for our RHNA numbers?"
"What about using the Light Rail, instead of shuttles, to get employees to the downtown station?"
"Shouldn't we be more proactive about improving transportation for people in the North Whisman area, rather than waiting for a crisis? There are a lot of people working there now!"
"This proposal is an old-style office park with much bigger buildings. LEED Platinum has nothing to do with neighborhood structure. Where are there enticements to take the train, with these overwhelming views of the freeway? There should be viewable local services, a larger trip reduction requirement tied to a greater absolute increase in trips, and reduced parking."
"These buildings are not accessible by foot; they're fronted by an onramp."
"Even people living nearby will have to drive there. This is not transit-oriented, just tall buildings visible from a freeway."
"There should be a net benefit for the community. Need a big trip reduction, ways not to need parking. Community benefits need not be proportional to the size of the project: in the current environment, it's going to take a lot more from the developer. The buildings need to be reoriented--the open space planned is visible only to people in the buildings."
"The open space should be visible and available to the public."
"Unfortunately developer financing is tied to the amount of parking."
"Why not reduce the square footage? Do we really need to have 1.0 FAR?"
"An EIR requiring 'overriding considerations' should lead to mitigation fees due."
"There could be ZIP cars there for employees to use during the day."
"TDM should be designed to produce a 25-30% trip reduction."
"We need to discuss all this, not just have each Councilmember provide comments to Staff."