Can only attend 1 meeting? Attend this one!
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This study session is to discuss the 2030 General Plan and Land Use Map, Draft Greenhouse Gas Reduction Program and the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for these reports. You can check the City web site on or after June 29th to confirm the scheduled time and location for the study session. Can only attend 1 meeting? Attend this one!
![]() ---------------- 2/9 UPDATE: 2/14 Meeting @ 5PM, not 7PM as originally posted. ----------------- Don’t fall for the trite tradition of dinner and a movie this Valentines day. How about dinner and a City Council General Plan study session? Steer clear of the passive movie-going experience and participate in elevating the Draft General Plan from good to extraordinary. After 3 long years, City Council will be holding its final study session on the Draft General Plan and this is the last big opportunity to provide input. While the Draft Plan outlines a sustainable vision, the policies need strengthening to ensure the vision is implemented. Why do the policies in Draft General Plan need strengthening? Driving and greenhouse gas emissions both increase by 2030 in the Draft General Plan. The main reason for the increase, according to the independent environmental analysis: too few housing units. While opening the floodgates to unlimited housing development is not realistic or desirable, there are still opportunities to plan for housing that won’t clash with Mountain View’s character. Here are thee points to discuss when addressing or writing council:
Hope to see you there! Meeting Time: 2/14 5PM City Hall (map), Plaza Conference Room Last week, MVCSP hosted staff from Greenbelt Alliance to go over the details of how to use an EIR as an advocacy tool. Turnout to the workshop was great; over 20 people attended, some coming from as far away as Contra Costa County! We covered a lot of information in just over 2 hours. Attendees asked if the resources we shared could be accessible online afterward. Those resources are below. If there is more information that you would like but don't see here, contact Ellie Casson. If you have questions about how to read or comment on an EIR, please contact Adam Garcia and/or Amanda Bornstein. Links to websites referenced: Planning and Conservation League and PCL's Guide to CEQA (which we referenced during the workshop. This is a very handy guide for advocates.) California Air Pollution Control Officers Association Association of Bay Area Governments (We used and referred to maps from ABAG during the workshop) Materials used during the presentation: ![]()
September 2024